Monday, May 1, 2017

America’s O.K. to infiltration of terrorists and forceful conversion

America’s O.K. to infiltration of terrorists and forceful conversion

America’s ‘Religious Freedom’ means O.K. to the conversion of tribes and others in India by Christian Missionaries.
ANI reported on June 14 that as a major concession to Pakistan, the US House of Representatives has dropped demands of access to the disgraced nuclear scientist Dr A.Q. Khan and preventing terrorist attacks against India as conditions from the aid bill offering Islamabad 1.5 billion dollars for the next five years.
When the Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement Act’ (PEACE) was first tabled in the Congress in April, it required Pakistan to fulfil some major requirements in order to qualify for the aid. Now it is omitted by the America as reported byt DAWN of Pakistan.

Infiltration accepted to fight Taliban and Al Qaeda
The above concession is given by America to Pakistan for Pakistan’s so called war against Taliban and Al Qaeda.
CIA, ISI created Taliban: Zardari 
Few days back in a frank admission, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari on Monday said America’s intelligence agency CIA and his country’s ISI together created the “monster” called Taliban. Taliban was “part of our past and your past, and the ISI and CIA created them together,” Mr. Zardari told the NBC news channel in an interview.
NRIs who voted Obama of Muslim root, should learn a lesson after judging the above facts.

Is Religious freedom means forceful conversion?
Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati on June 13, 09 vehemently opposed the impending visit of United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to India, by saying that it was nothing but “an intrusive mechanism of a foreign Government to interfere in the internal affairs of this country”.
In a significant statement, the seer from the Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt voiced his opposition to “forceful conversion” by any religion.

The Shankaracharya went on to add: “The Hindu dharma and the Hindus welcome Christians, Muslims, Parsis and Jews to make this land their home. We expect that these religions will not seek to destroy our faith, religion and wound the religious sensibilities. We encourage all religions to live with mutual respect and harmony and in a shared sense of nationalism which should bind us all as one nation”.
Sri Kanchi Sankaracharia in his briefing on June 12, 2009 said: 
Exactly one month ago to the date, the Pope went to Jerusalem where Jesus was born, for a similar dialogue that the Vatican had undertaken with the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. At the end of that meeting when the Pope and Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzer jointly addressed the Press and Media, the Chief Rabbi thanked the Pope for assuring the Chief Rabbinate that the Catholic Church would desist and cease from all missionary and conversion activities among the Jews. This is construed as endorsed and agreed by the Pope since he was present in the press meet. We need a similar commitment from the Church for Hindus.

In 1999, Pope Johan Paul II had stated that the mission of the Vatican was to plant the Cross in Asia in the third millennium to facilitate the Christianizing of the world which alone would cause the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Pope must tell us the rationale for the First Coming of
Jesus Christ when there was no Christianity or the Church to undertake the mission to Christianize the world.
The Shankaracharya also advised the churches in India against using Hindu religious words, phrases and symbols like Veda, Agama, Rishi, Ashrama and Om, as an “inculturation” tactic to deceive vulnerable sections of people targeted for religious conversion. He also urged the Indian Government to look into the reported efforts by some churches to script a new bible for new converts by usurping sections of sacred Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas and incorporating them into the Bible.

The Shankaracharya also exhorted the Churches and Christian groups to utilize the funds received by them from abroad for social causes and not for religious conversions.
There is report ( as mentioned in my past articles at that International Christian Missionaries are fully aiding news channels NDTV, IBN etc here in India for the brain washing of Indian Intelligentsias. Would Christian lobby of Christian Sonia Gandhi dare to publish white paper on it? 

By Premendra Agrawal

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