Monday, June 26, 2017

Divine Mission Society - Rev.Jerry Sequeira on bail-cheating and Harrassing woman runs a Successful Church

Priest on bail after charges of cheating woman
Divine Mission Society, "Trinity",
Near Government Hospital,
Karnad, Mulki-574154. Mangalore, D.K,  Karnataka, India.
A Divine Word priest could face a maximum of 10 years in prison if found guilty on charges of cheating and harassing a woman who claims he fathered her children.
 fr.jerry seq
Father Jacob Gerald Sequeira

Father Jacob Gerald Sequeira was arrested in Mangalore, in Karnataka state on July 20, and appeared in court in Hyderabad, capital of the neighboring Andhra Pradesh, on July 22.

He was released on bail of 10,000 rupees (US$206) on July 23 after being charged with cheating and harassment of the woman, who calls herself Shoba Rani Sequeira.

The offence of cheating carries a penalty of up to seven years´ imprisonment and/or a fine. Harassment, defined under the Indian Penal Code as making unlawful demands, carries a penalty of three years´ jail and/or a fine.

The popular priest, known to locals as Father Jerry, is the founder of Divine Call Center in Mulki, in Karnataka state. The center offers retreats for local Catholics. Father Sequeira belongs to the Bombay province of the Society of the Divine Word.

The woman complainant, a resident of Hyderabad, alleges that the priest lived with her for several years and that she had children fathered by him.

Father Sequeira claims he is innocent and says he has been framed.

The police said the woman could not provide proof of her marriage to the priest.

Father Sequeira had worked in Andhra Pradesh for several years before being transferred to Mangalore more than 10 years ago, a priest who did not want to be named told UCA News.

The Divine Word retreat center´s website says that Father Sequeira was involved in a dispute with his order. A new director of the retreat center, Father Cyprian Lewis, was appointed in February.

Andhra Police Arrest Fr Jerry Sequeira in Mangalore

Andhra Police Arrest Fr Jerry Sequeira in MangalorePics: Dayanand Kukkaje 
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)
Mangalore, Jul 21:  A drama unfolded after a team of policemen from Andhra Pradesh, who had been in the city to make an arrest, were accosted by some local youths on Monday evening, July 20.  
The four policemen had arrested Fr Jerry Sequeira, founder, Divine Call Centre at Mulky, based on a complaint lodged against him in a women’s police station in Hyderabad by a woman. 
The police from Hyderabad had arrested the accused from his residence after informing their counterparts at Mulky police station.
The group of youths got the impression that this was an attempted kidnap and tried to get Fr Sequeira released by confronting the Andhra police while they were taking a tea break at a hotel while escorting the accused to Hyderabad. 
The Andhra policemen explained to the youngsters in Telugu that the arrest was legitimate and based on a complaint. But the youths began alleging that it is a kidnapping. 

They tried to take away Fr Sequeira and a quarrel broke out. Later, the Andhra police called in the local police as a crowd gathered.   
Kadri police took into custody two people from Mulky who were involved in the incident. 

Shivaprasad, sub-inspector, Kadri police station, said that the whole incident was a result of a misunderstanding arising from rumours of the arrest and language problems as the Andhra policemen spoke only in Telugu which the youth could not understand. 

He said that the confusion was cleared after they were taken to the police station.  
After the issue was resolved, the Andra Pradesh police left for Hyderabad with the accused. 

Mangalore: Fr Jerry Sequeira Gets Bail, Returns Home

Mangalore: Fr Jerry Sequeira Gets Bail, Returns Home
News & Pics: Roshan Madtha
Mangalore, Jul 24:
 Fr Jerry Sequeira, who was recently arrested by the Andhra police from Mulky, was released on bail by a Hyderabad court. 
He was given a warm welcome on arrival at the airport here by a large number of followers on Friday July 24 at 2:30 pm.

Speaking on the occasion, Fr Sequeira thanked all those who worked to helped him get unconditional bail.
He promised that he would continue with his work of helping people in Mangalore. Fr Sequeira invited everyone to the retreat which is to be held on Sunday August 2 at Shirva.
Jude Noronha, businessman, said, “Fr Sequeira had committed a small mistake for which he has already apologized.  But the community is not ready to forgive him”. 
Deepak D’Souza from Milagres said that an individual was free to pray wherever he wished and similarly, there should not be any restriction on preaching either.
Anil Lobo, Fermai and Savil Mascarenhas, Vittal, were also present on the occasion.
Fr Sequeira was earlier arrested based on a complaint lodged by a woman from Andhra Pradesh, the details of which are unknown as yet.
Catholics Defy Bishop, Attend Banned Priest's Retreat
Indian Catholic August 7, 2009
MANGALORE, India : About 1,000 Catholics defied the orders of their bishop as they attended a retreat conducted by a priest who had been banned from performing pastoral duties.

Catholics from various parts of Mangalore diocese in Karnataka state attended the Aug. 2 retreat that Divine Word Father Jacob Gerald Sequeira conducted, ignoring Bishop Aloysius Paul D'Souza's orders to people to stay away from his programs.

In a July 22 circular, Bishop D'Souza had also banned the popular preacher from performing priestly duties for his alleged "disobedience" of his superiors and "unholy relations with a woman." The circular also announced that the priest is barred from celebrating Mass or administering any pastoral duties in the diocese.

On July 20, police in neighboring Andhra Pradesh state arrested the priest and released him on bail two days later. He was charged with cheating and harassment of a woman, who claimed he fathered her child.

Father Sequeira had worked in Andhra Pradesh state's capital of Hyderabad prior to working in his native Mangalore diocese.

However, the priest wore a cassock at the Aug. 2 retreat in a village some 30 kilometers away from Mangalore, naming it a "new beginning." He titled it a "Christian devotional fest." During the program, he expressed his displeasure with his superiors and the bishop for "forsaking him".

Father Sequeira founded Divine Call Center in 2004 in Mulki, a village near Mangalore, and has been directing it when he was banned. Father Cyprian Lewis, who succeeded him as director of the center said Father Sequeira's new ministry has no "consent and approval" of Church authorities.

The new ministry "might confuse Catholics and probably lead to a division in the Church," Father Lewis told UCA News Aug. 5. Father Sequeira's congregation "had given him several chances to rectify his mistake, but he refused to oblige."

Father Lewis said Father Sequeira "is quite popular among people." Many of his followers are "devout Catholics who are ignorant of the consequences."


Bishop Aloysius Paul D'Souza

of Mangalore

Father Sequeira however, had this to say when contacted by UCA News.

"I have been baptized as a Catholic and ordained as a priest by God, and no authority on earth can ban me from being a Catholic or a priest."

He added that he had been a retreat preacher for the past 15 years and will continue to do so. "I have publicly asked pardon for committing a mistake, and I believe God has forgiven me for that," said the priest who had initially refused to comment.

He denied charges that he fathered a child, but admitted that he had an affair with a woman while he was in Hyderabad in 2001. "It is my opponents who instigated her to file a complaint against me now," he alleged.

He said his plan is to start an independent ministry in Mangalore and continue with this as long as people need him.Another priest, diocesan Father Vincent Monteiro said Father Sequeira has become "a bad role model."

"Some people supported him in spite of diocesan directions. We hope the people will not break away from the Church, but rather understand and return."

Bethany Sister Alice D'Souza, who attended the Aug. 2 retreat, said she felt Father Sequeira has a "prophetic voice, divine charisma and clarity in vision and mission."

"He had committed a mistake, but he admitted it openly" during several retreats. "Why can't the Church forgive him when Jesus was prepared to forgive," asked the nun who is in her 70s.

Another Catholic woman, Carmine D'Souza, said people liked the priest "very much as a retreat preacher, but we don't like" his actions.

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