Jul 27 2017 : The Times of India (Chennai)
LIFESTYLE EFFECT - Sperm counts in the West plunge by 60% in 40 yrs
Ian Johnston
Sperm counts have plung ed by nearly 60% in just 40 years among men living in the West, according to a major review of scientific studies that suggests the modern world is causing serious damage to men's health. Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, smoking and obesity have all been “plausibly associated“ with the problem, which is associated with a range of other illnesses such as testicular cancer and a generally increased mortality rate.The researchers who carried out the review said the ra te of decline had showed no L sign of “level ling off “ in recent years. The same trend was not seen in South America, Africa and Asia, although the scientists said fewer studies had been carried out there. Writing in the journal Human Reproduction Update, the researchers -from Israel, US, Denmark, Brazil and Spain -said total sperm count had fallen by 59.3% between 1971 and 2011 in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Sperm concentration fell by 52.4%.
“Sperm count and other semen parameters have been plausibly associated with multiple environmental influences, including endocrine disrupting chemicals, pes ticides, heat and lifestyle fac tors, including diet, stress, smoking and body-mass in dex,“ the paper said.
“Therefore, sperm count may sensitively reflect the im pacts of the modern environ ment on male health throug hout the life course.“
Chemicals linked to lowe ring sperm count include so me used to make plastics flex ible and flame retardants used in furniture. A diet high in alcohol, caffeine, proces sed meat, soy and potatoes may have an adverse effect on male fertility . Aside from the obvious implications for re production, the researchers said the declines were consis tent with reported trends in testicular in testicular cancer, the number of child ren born with one or both tes ticles missing, the onset of male puberty and total testos terone levels.
Professor Richard Sharpe, of Edinburgh University , said the study appeared to show that the decrease was “real be yond any reasonable doubt“.
“Sperm count and other semen parameters have been plausibly associated with multiple environmental influences, including endocrine disrupting chemicals, pes ticides, heat and lifestyle fac tors, including diet, stress, smoking and body-mass in dex,“ the paper said.
“Therefore, sperm count may sensitively reflect the im pacts of the modern environ ment on male health throug hout the life course.“
Chemicals linked to lowe ring sperm count include so me used to make plastics flex ible and flame retardants used in furniture. A diet high in alcohol, caffeine, proces sed meat, soy and potatoes may have an adverse effect on male fertility . Aside from the obvious implications for re production, the researchers said the declines were consis tent with reported trends in testicular in testicular cancer, the number of child ren born with one or both tes ticles missing, the onset of male puberty and total testos terone levels.
Professor Richard Sharpe, of Edinburgh University , said the study appeared to show that the decrease was “real be yond any reasonable doubt“.

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