Butler's Lives of Saints says "Acts of Thomas" stories belong to 3rd century and St.Thomas visit to India is a Fiction.
Not a Single word about Jesus in any book or song in any of the Indian Languages earlier than 16th Century.
Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash Bourne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-
“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Story would have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.
The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-
“ It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was evangelized from Edessa at a later date, and . that in the course of time a confused tradition.”
“It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.

The Ninth Act: of the Wife of Charisius.
//87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman Ieapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country, For We Live In The Desert;//
Now very many Western Scholars spread this myth as below. Thomas the Apostle is murdered in India – David B. Green
According to common Christian tradition, 'doubting' Thomas, a practicing Jew, was killed by jealous Hindu priests of Kali. (Or a peacock hunter.) David B. Green Dec 21, 2015 7:50 AM
December 21 in the year 72 C.E., is the day of the martyrdom of Thomas the Apostle, according to the tradition of a number of Christian churches.
Like all of the 12 apostles, or disciples, of Jesus, Thomas was a practicing Jew, and was given the mission by his mentor to spread his teachings, both among the Jews and the Gentiles.
In both the Book of John, one of the Gospels of the New Testament, and in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, Thomas is described as “Thomas, who is called Didymus,” a redundancy, since “Thomas” comes from the Aramaic word teoma, meaning “twin” (in Hebrew, it’s te’om), for which the word in Greek is didymus.
It is not clear either from the Gospels, written at the end of the 1st century, or from the Acts of Thomas, from the 2nd century, just whose twin Thomas was meant to be, but there are several references in classical sources that suggest that he was the brother either of the Apostle Jude (son of James) or of Jesus himself.
None of the sources tell us about Thomas’ origins, but like the other apostles, he is presumed to come from the Galilee, like Jesus, and to have returned there to teach after Jesus’ death.
Have you believed?
Thomas was the first “doubting Thomas,” because he refused to believe the reports of sightings of a resurrected Jesus until, according to John 20:25, "I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the print of the nails, and place my hand in his side…” (Revised Standard Version).
A short time later, Jesus appears to Thomas, and the latter calls him “my Lord and my God,” and Jesus seems to mock him gently when he responds, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (John 20:29).
Earlier, when told by his teacher that he will be departing soon to prepare a home in heaven for his followers, who will be joining him there one day, the practical-minded Thomas says, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?" (John 14:5).
The assignment of December 21 as the date of Thomas’ death is derived from a tradition that anyone who fits the description of a “doubting Thomas” might have some difficulty giving credence to.
Dr. Robert Beckford of Oxford Brookes University In the documentary, The Secrets of the Twelve Disciples on Channel-4

In the documentary, The Secrets of the Twelve Disciples onChannel 4 [in London], prominent academics have accused the Vatican City of misleading the world over the fate of St. Peter whose journey to Rome, the Church claims, led to the spread of Christianity in the West.
According to its presenter Dr. Robert Beckford of Oxford Brookes University [in Oxford, England], “We found there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that St. Peter was buried in Rome, but yet the rival theory has not got out because it challenges the Church.
“If you undermine its basis for power you undermine the Church. It is tragic that the faith gets reduced to manipulating the facts and to one Church trying to make itself superior to others.”
Dr. Beckford and his documentary of the Apostles which includes a section on St. Thomas in India (a subject the Deccan Chronicle was careful to avoid in its news item). The Channel 4 web page for The Secrets of the Twelve Disciples says:
Robert Beckford also tries to find out if there is any truth in the story of Thomas, who, according to one tradition, founded Christianity in India in 52 AD. Most western scholars dismiss this but archaeological digs in India shows a trade with Rome and ancient Jewish settlements, indicating that the story could be true. In 1599, Portuguese colonists tried to destroy the traditions and practices of the Thomas Christians. Do the western Churches still have an interest in trying to marginalise them?
Prof.Mark Goodacre of Dukes University
St Thomas Basilica http://ntweblog.blogspot.in/2016/03/st-thomas-basilica.html
//This is the place where Thomas's tomb is allegedly located and an impressive neo-Gothic cathedral is on the site.//
The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning "Twin" most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as TWIN - "Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels"- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI
Archaeological research work done under Mr.Anu John Achhan and after analyzing all the findings says First Occupation of Humankind in Kodungallore Belt and surroundings happened in 8 or 9th Century AD, as Virgin Soil without Any Human Occupation came then, all researches in the surrounding areas took us to the Second Chera period of and certainly Kodungallore is not the Musiri the famous Port referred in Sangam Literature.
Does the Apostle Thomas in India Fables spreading Churches aware that Coastal Kerala was below Sea till 7th or 8th Century CE.
Does the Apostle Thomas in India Fables spreading Churches aware that Coastal Kerala was below Sea till 7th or 8th Century CE.
History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan, Professor of Church History and Theology at the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, in says
Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden. Page-12
Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden. Page-12
History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, (p.30-32). by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan, Professor of Church History and Theology at the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore
Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-�Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.. Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3
The Church Story Spreaders have been very clever when they refer Thomas fables they always say TRADITION- AND What does Tradition means - Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-
.. whole story which lies shrouded in Legends, fables, fictions and confusing details. Quiet often One has no other option but to fall back on what is claimed as tradion. No wonder then that Speculations,Surmises and Presumptions have characterized many studies of the period. To avoid filling into such pitfalls out of a large basket of all sorts of materials all claiming to be Tradtion-facts: Legends, Myths, wishful thinking, telescoping of events easy hormonisation etc., P-2
Ramban Song as per Church claims was composed in 17th Century. But one of the Nasrani Thomas Christian website says that Linguistically it can be dated to 19th Century.
(In my previous posting I showed Kodungallur was not Muzuri,and these areas were Human Occupied in 8th Century CE; I read articles that little inside from Kodungallur-a place called Pattanam ( Pattanam, a sleepy town in Ernakulam district; separated from the Thrissur District and Cranganore by a section of River Periyar Pattanam, near North Paravur, on the opposite side of Kodungallur) many Archaelogical evidences to be the Sangam Town. YOU CAN EXPECT CHURCHES WOULD CHANGE FABLES TOWARDS THIS SITE AREA AND PROOFS FROM ANCIENT WOULD FOLLOW FOR THIS PLACE.)
Death date as per Roman Traditions put for Thomas as December-21, and Syrian Traditions to July-3.
Ramaban Pattu as given earlier "Karkadaga Month 3rd" would put a date of around 17th or 18th of June or July (Vishu year and first month starts on 14/15th April), people familiar with Malayalam months can confirm. Malayalam Kollam Era Panchanga was used for dating. This Kollam Era itself starts from 9th Century only.
(But on the look of it July-3 of Syrian was just changed and written as Karkadaga Month 3rd , by people with No Panchanga Idea, when world changed to Gregorian Calendar from Julian in 16th Century, removing 12 days, which is applied in this Fable- Friends can look on it.
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