APRIL 8, 2016
Quo Vadis, Papa Francisco?

This writer has examined several sources in Spanish and English and learned that Pope Francis’ younger sister Maria Elena, now 68, has been divorced and married a second time, and has a son from each husband. She is the only sibling of Francis still alive (he had two brothers, Alberto and Oscar, and two sisters, Marta and Elena). Her sons from the two different fathers are José Ignacio Bergoglio and Jorge Vallejos (named after the Pope).
Following closely in her footsteps, her youngest son José Ignacio is in a live-in relationship (cohabitating) with a woman named Marina Muro (see photograph with the Pope below).
“He recounts that his mother is a catechist.”
She is, according to her son José Ignacio, a catechist!!!!!
She is, according to her son José Ignacio, a catechist!!!!!
“Now José Ignacio lives with his girlfriend and dreams that when he marries his uncle will officiate the ceremony. ‘I asked him, maybe it’s not possible but it is my desire,’ he reveals.”
“Ahora José Ignacio se fue a vivir con su novia y sueña que cuando se case su tío será el que oficie la ceremonia. ‘Ya se lo pedí, no sé si será posible pero es mi deseo’, revela.” –Gisela Nicosia/Perfil.com, October 6, 2014
The Pope’s nephew José and his live-in partner Marina Muro
José Ignacio Bergoglio es el sobrino menor del papa Francisco. Es hijo de María Elena Bergoglio, la única hermana viva del Santo Padre y preside la organización solidaria Haciendo Lío, con la cual llegará a Santiago del Estero, junto con su novia Marina Muro, impulsora de esta altruista iniciativa, en septiembre u octubre próximo, según informó en una entrevista exclusiva con EL LIBERAL. El nombre de la ONG de José Ignacio fue tomado del pedido que hizo a los jóvenes del mundo, en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (en Brasil) su tío Jorge Mario Bergoglio, hoy papa Francisco. –Marcelo Jozami, May 27, 2015
Pope Francis with Marina Muro who cohabitates with his nephew José Ignacio Bergoglio
“Maria Elena sinks her fingers in a blue cardboard box, from which she takes two letters: a handwritten one from May 1958, to her parents from the “Sagrada Familia” College of Cordoba, and another written to her newly divorced (spouse), a few years later… He (Pope Francis) has always been there for me. Even when facing a divorce from my husband, he supported me, he helped me. I still cannot believe that he became Pope.”
Maria Elena affonda le dita in una scatola azzurra di cartone, dalla quale estrae due lettere: una autografa del maggio ’58 ai genitori dal collegio “Sagrada Familia” di Cordova e un’altra scritta a lei appena divorziata, qualche anno dopo. E alcune foto di Papa Francisco adolescente. “Siamo rimasti soltanto io e lui”, dice con la prima lacrima che le scende sulla guancia mentre fuma l’ennesima sigaretta. “E adesso lo perdo di nuovo. Lui che è stato sempre presente. Anche quando affrontai il divorzio da mio marito mi appoggiò, mi aiutò. Non posso ancora credere che è diventato Papa. Quando è partito per Roma ci siamo salutati come sempre. Jorge ama Buenos Aires e amava il suo lavoro qui. Ha lasciato perfino la casa in curia un po’ in disordine, qualche libro sul letto, lettere da aprire, la spesa fatta, come se dovesse tornare subito. No, non ci ho ancora parlato, ma ho deciso da sola, prima che fosse lui a chiederlo agli argentini, di non spendere i soldi del viaggio per Roma. Lo vede come siamo in sintonia? So che quando lo incontrerò ci abbracceremo senza dirci nulla. Senza scene, soprattutto se in pubblico. Perché siamo italiani del nord: le emozioni sono profonde ma restano dentro”. –LaRepubblica.it, March 17, 2013

The Pope’s divorced and twice-married sister Maria Elena with her second husband
“Her house was still busy with phone calls and visitors, and occasional motorists would still drive by, honking their horns, shouting “Viva el papa,” Avvenire reported March 19. Maria Elena and her husband painted the gate to the house yellow and white in honor of the election, the paper reported.” –April 9, 2013
“Mrs. Bergoglio, 65, the divorced mother of two adult sons, said…:”
–Nick Squires, Vatican City,
March 17, 2013
March 17, 2013
Then again, Pope Francis’ late sister Marta Regina Bergoglio Sivori (1940-2007) had six children including Maria Inés Narvaja who reportedly married a divorced man and lived (cohabited) with him for four years before the man finally got a church annulment.

Maria Inés Narvaja
“In this interview she (Maria Inés Narvaja) also mentions her marriage, at first a civil marriage, with a man who was waiting for the declaration of nullity of his previous union by the ecclesiastical authorities. Four years later, she finally married in the Church. ‘During that whole period, he (my uncle) was a father to me and I am very grateful to him,’ she explains. ‘He does not judge you, he will never tell you what you must do.’ And so, as for allowing the divorced-and-remarried to receive Communion, Maria Inés Narvaja thinks that the Pope “will obey what the synod decides.” In his Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, she recalls, Francis indicates that communion “is not a prize, but food for the pilgrim”. ‘I have spoken with him about it at length, given my personal situation,’ she adds. ‘Those who receive communion are not receiving a certificate of good conduct’.” –Documentation Information Catholiques Internationales, September 12, 2014
Apparently their brother/uncle being Pope makes no difference to the publicly flaunted sexual morality of the Bergoglio family which should be exemplarily Catholic.
Comments by bloggers and readers’ suggest that the Bergoglios must be celebrating the release of his Apostolic Exhortation on the family and marriage, Amoris Laetitia (along with liberals and other “Catholics” living similarly in sin in flagrant violation of the Law of God and magisterial teaching).
This writer is not passing judgement on anyone. Every family has its “black sheep”.
Having in one’s immediate family people living in sin is not the issue here.
In all interviews, the Bergoglios recount Francis’ moral support whether of their divorce or permissive lifestyle.
From all the news accounts that I have examined, Pope Francis appears to have approved of these sinful relationships simply by not admonishing and reproving his family members.
Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. –Pope St. Felix III
What example does this situation set for the rest of the world?
There is a possibility of minor errors in this report because of my limited understanding of the original languages and the confusing names of the individuals (pre and post marriage) in the Bergoglio clan.
If any error is noticed, please inform this writer so that the correction is made.
Sources for information and images reproduced on the above pages:
Argentine bishop, Cardinal Bergoglio’s friend, was relieved of his duties in 2012
Bishop resigns after being caught cavorting with woman on beach
The Vatican has accepted the resignation of an Argentine bishop who was caught cavorting with a blonde, bikini-clad woman on a Mexican beach.
June 26, 2012

Bishop Fernando Bargallo, who led the Argentine diocese of Merlo-Moreno outside Buenos Aires since May 1997, has reportedly admitted to having “amorous ties” with the woman he is seen embracing in the water, thought to be a divorced restaurant owner
Bishop Fernando Bargallo, 57, was forced to hand in his resignation after photographs emerged this month showing him frolicking and embracing the woman at a luxury resort in Mexico.
Bargallo, who led the Argentine diocese of Merlo-Moreno outside Buenos Aires since May 1997, has reportedly admitted to having “amorous ties” with the woman he is seen embracing in the water, thought to be a divorced restaurant owner.
He had initially claimed she was just a longtime friend.
Instead of accepting his resignation, why didn’t Pope Benedict XVI excuse the bishop on the basis of the “who am I to judge?” defense, the concept or doctrine of “mercy” and “individual conscience” that Pope Francis touts and has emphasized in his just released Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris Laetitia?
If Bergoglio were Pope in June 2012, Bishop Bargallo would still be romping around with his sexy blonde.
But now that he IS Pope, and his immediate family are discovered to have been/to be already living in (until what till the Exhortation has been) sin, we can expect a tsunami of such stories to swamp the Church.
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