Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fine, jail term for eating in public during Ramadan

Fine, jail term for eating in public during Ramadan fasting hours
Ahmed Shaaban (senior Reporter)

Filed on June 20, 2015

Should anyone want to eat or drink, he or she is free to do the same, but in private, without offending others in this holy month.

Dubai – Though one is free to fast or not - be they Muslims or not, none is entitled to break fasting in public during the holy month of Ramadan, as per the UAE laws and traditions. 
Failing to show this slight consideration for fasting Muslims is punishable by law, and shall be penalized with a fine of not more than Dh2,000 or a jail term of maximum one month, according to Article 313 of the UAE Federal Punitive Law. 
Dr Yousuf Al Sharif
Dr Yousuf Al Sharif
Prominent Emirati advocate and legal advisor Dr Yousuf Al Sharif told Khaleej Times on Thursday that this specific article of the punitive law is kind of consideration to the feelings of fasting Muslims. 
“Muslims are ordered by Almighty Allah to abstain from eating and drinking from Dawn time to sunset on these blessed days which fall in the sweltering summer months,” he said. 
Hence, it is not acceptable or respectful from others to offend Muslims by carelessly eating or drinking in front of them, he added. 
“It is kind of consideration more or less, but some people are indifferent and recklessly give no head or respect to others, and hence those have to be stopped by law.” 
Dr Sharif, the former deputy spokesman of the Sharjah Consultative Council, underlined that it is also kind of respect to the holy month of Ramadan which is only a matter of some 29 or 30 days. 
“Neither Islam nor the UAE law intervenes in the personal life of non-Muslims. Otherwise, it shows full respect to their beliefs, traditions and backgrounds, no matter we agree with them or not.” 
Should anyone want to eat or drink, he or she is free to do the same, but in private, without offending others in this holy month, he pointed out. “People should respect each others’ beliefs and traditions.” 
Major General Ibrahim Ali Al Shehi, Director of the Criminal Investigations Department at the Ajman Police, was also cited as giving the same warning, mainly for long time residents in the country. 
“A fine not exceeding Dh2,000 or a jail term of not more than one month shall be slapped against fasting breakers in public during daytime in the holy month of Ramadan, as per article 313 of the federal punitive law.” 
Maj-Gen Al Shehi said first time visitors or tourists to the country are gently and tolerantly enlightened about the UAE rules and traditions, particularly in the daytime of Ramadan. 
“However, the situation is different with long time residents who shall face legal action and penalty,” he said, affirming that very few people have been arrested for such violation as most visitors and tourists are aware of the UAE traditions. 
Arif Al Wakeel, Egyptian, said he is training his young children to fast in Ramadan. “Whoever breaks his fasting is advised to eat or drink in private so as not to hurt others who are hungry and thirsty.” 
Wafaa Saqr, Syrian, said it is rare to see anyone breaking his or her fasting in public during Ramadan. “However, the article is good for reckless people who do not respect others.”

Deers die eating Thrown condems in IIT Madras

220 deer, 8 blackbucks perished on IIT-M campus

By SV Krishna Chaitanya  |  Express News Service  |   Published: 23rd May 2017 04:30 AM  |  
Last Updated: 23rd May 2017 04:30 AM  |   A+A-   |  

File picture of deer relaxing on the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, campus

CHENNAI: According to an RTI response from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M), 220 deer and eight endangered blackbucks have reportedly died in a span of three years between 2013 and 2016 on the campus. There would be multiple factors at play, but a section of activists fear the institute’s campus, which is home to dense forests and wildlife, might be sitting on a major environmental crisis threatening to affect its reputation of being in harmony with nature.
Antony C Rubin, animal welfare activist who accessed the information through RTI, has now knocked on the doors of the southern bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) appealing to shift cultural fests like Saarang and Shaastra, which draw large crowds, out of the IIT-M campus, besides a complete ban on non-recyclable plastic.
The bench has admitted the petition and issued notices to IIT-M, the State government, Greater Chennai Corporation, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) and State forest department for filing replies. The case is set for a July 17 hearing.
Rubin told Express that the numbers are startling. Improper disposal of solid waste is a major problem in IIT-M that attracts stray dogs, which hunt mother deer and fawns. Speeding vehicles, cultural fests with high levels of noise and concretisation of open spaces are adding to the fatalities and stress of an already crumbling ecosystem.
As per the RTI reply, IIT-M claims that only one animal has been killed in a road accident between 2013 and 2016, which was reported on September 20, 2014. However, according to an article titled “Inconvenient Truths: Oh Deer! Tackling Deer Fatalities On Campus”, published in The Fifth Estate (IIT-M’s official campus news and media body) in January 2014 alone — the month when Shaastra and Saarang are organised, 21 deer died and three were injured, of which at least two are blackbucks and one is a fawn. Importantly, three were confirmed dead by accidents. So, the data provided by the institute through RTI clearly underreports the facts on road kills.
The authors of the article also spoke on deer dying due to improper garbage disposal and how stress caused by noise pollution from the fests and the vulnerability of mothers and offspring to dogs (January is the fawning season) could cause casualties.
The activist claims that postmortem reports in cases show that sanitary napkins and condoms were found in deer stomachs. “This is as disgusting. Such things can be prevented through proper solid waste management protocols,” Rubin said.
A security official told this newspaper that at least 1,500 private vehicles enter IIT-M each day. Though speed limit is fixed within the campus, which is 35 kmph on arterial roads, 30 kmph in the school zone and 20 kmph on blind curves, private vehicles seldom follow it. Sometimes violators are caught and fined. K Geethanjali, Wildlife Warden, was not available for comment.

IIT Madras. eating Beef illegal - not beef -eating festival

Kathy Griffin apoligises for Trump bloody head picture

Kathy Griffin: 'I beg for your forgiveness' for gruesome anti-Trump photo shoot

By Sandra Gonzalez, CNN
CNN)An apologetic Kathy Griffin took to Instagram to issue a mea culpa for participating in a photo shoot that featured her holding up a bloody head resembling President Donald Trump.
"I'm a comic," she said. "I cross the line. I move the line, then I cross it. I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn't funny. I get it."
She said she is asking celebrity photographer Tyler Shields to take down the photo.
"I beg for your forgiveness. I went too far," she said in the post on Tuesday. "I made a mistake and I was wrong."
Earlier Tuesday, Shields, who is known for his provocative images, released photos he did with Griffin that immediately came under fire from people on Twitter.
The president's son, Donald Trump Jr, called the imagery "disgusting but not surprising."
Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Trump's one-time campaign rival Hillary Clinton, called the photo "vile and wrong."
"It is never funny to joke about killing a president," she wrote on Twitter.
Griffin was accused of encouraging violence against the President.
"OBVIOUSLY, I do not condone ANY violence by my fans or others to anyone, ever!" Griffin initially wrote on Twitter. "I'm merely mocking the Mocker in Chief."
Questions were also raised about whether the photos would affect Griffin's relationship with CNN, for whom she works as part of the network's annual New Year's Eve coverage.
On Wednesday, CNN terminated its agreement with Griffin to appear on the annual program.
Late Tuesday, the network had called Griffin's photos "disgusting and offensive," according to a statement from a CNN spokesperson.
By all indications, Griffin, an outspoken critic of Trump, knew the images would be controversial.
In a behind-the-scenes video posted by Shields, Griffin asserted to the camera that she and Shields were "not afraid to do images that make noise."
In the same video, Griffin and Shields are shown presumably reviewing footage from their session, and Griffin jokes: "We have to move to Mexico today, but we're going to go to prison -- federal prison...We're not surviving this, okay?"
Shields is well known for his envelope-pushing work.
His photos of a bloody, knife-wielding Lindsay Lohan were among his most headline-generating pictures to date.
The reaction to Griffin and Shields' photos may have gained the attention of the Secret Service, as the agency tweeted late Tuesday that "threats made against @SecretService protectees receive the highest priority of all of our investigations."
The tweet did not mention neither Griffin or Shields by name.
The incident cost the comic at least one endorsement deal.
Squatty Potty, a line of footstools for toilets, said Tuesday it was "shocked and disappointed" and was pulling a new ad campaign starring Griffin.
"It was deeply inappropriate and runs contrary to the core values our company stands for," Squatty Potty chief executive officer Bobby Edwards said in a statement. "We have acted swiftly and decisively to demonstrate our commitment to a culture of decency, civility, and tolerance."

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IIT Madras student Manish beaten by Communist - Periyar Goondas

How media selectively reported about IIT Madras student beaten up for eating beef
Ever since the Central Government issued a notification that restricted the sale of cattle for slaughter purposes in cattle markets, various groups seem to be hell bent to carry out various attention grabbing antics even though the notification does not ban either beef or cow slaughter in states where it is allowed.
On lines of Youth Congress workers slaughtering a cow in full public view, some students of IIT Madras too wanted to do their bit and reportedly organised a beef eating ‘festival’ at the campus on Sunday night. Following it, reports in the media emerged that a PhD student by the name of R. Sooraj, who had taken part in that beef fest, was attacked on Tuesday by certain students with allegiances to Right Wing groups.
The reports claimed that R Sooraj, who was part of a Ambedkar Periyar Study Circle, was ironically having lunch at a vegetarian mess with a friend when a student named Manish asked him if he had eaten beef at the festival. He was then suddenly surrounded by 7-8 students and before he could react, was hit behind the head by Manish. Picture of him with a swollen eye was splattered across media platforms.
However, that appears just one side of a story which the media chose to highlight. According to SG Suryah, the Vice President of the BJP’s Tamil Nadu youth wing, Sooraj himself is an aggressor who has injured Manish in a much worse way. Suryah pointed out that the Ambedkar Peryar Study Circle, of which Sooraj was a member, had a history of indulging in violence at the campus. Suryah also denied the reports that it was Manish had any links to Right Wing organisations.
Suryah then put forth the version of events which he claims were largely ignored by the media. He claims that Manish saw Sooraj at the Jain mess and asked him what he was doing there after organizing a beef party. This evolved into a verbal spat in which Sooraj made some provocative statements. This resulted in a fight between the two and unlike what the media reported, Manish suffered a fracture on his hand while Sooraj suffered injuries below his eyes.
According to the BJP leader, Sooraj had made provocative statements like he would feed Manish beef and even cut Manish to pieces and eat him. The BJP leader also posted the picture of an injured Manish who had to go through an operation:

@republic @CNNnews18 @TimesNow @NewsX@IndiaTodayFLASH Update - Manish Jain brutally who was attacked by Sooraj & leftist thugs in IIT Madras yesterday is presently in Operation Theatre.
@republic @CNNnews18 @TimesNow @NewsX@IndiaTodayFLASH Hue & cry for thug Suraj. But here is Manish who was brutally attacked & is being operated with steel rod in his hand.Will media flash this?

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This version of events as narrated by the BJP leader were reiterated in this report which carried a quote from an IIT Madras spokesperson. The spokesperson also claimed that it was an altercation between two students and both suffered injuries.
After this version started coming out, people expressed their anger over a large section of the media not reporting the whole story:

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The actual truth of IIT-Madras. It wasn't an attack by RW students. Media presenting only one side story.

One commented on the possible root of the problem:

This was started as part of the game-plan under  to start subverting IITs next. SS department started at IIT M, staffed by ultra-left. 

The incident also reminded people of the fracas at Ramjas college in Delhi University earlier this year, where media had not reported about violence by leftists goons on the campus. In fact, the goons were paraded as victims on many occasions

உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம்

  உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு! - PANDIYAN LODGE COMPENSATION புறம்போக்கு இடத்தில் கட்டப...