Thursday, January 28, 2016

Judge Hari Paranthaman against Dynasty Politics (M.K.Stalin?) and friendly with DK

Justice Hari Paranthaman known to be close to Dravidar Kazagam and gave earlier a Judgement for their Beef Eat - Remove Thali Programme which was totally illegal has spoken.
D.K. Movement and its founder E.V.RAMASAMY Naicker were found activitis doing Against God Beliefs of Hinduism were found Follish and Criminal
S. Veerabadran Chettiar vs E. V. Ramaswami Naicker & Others on 25 August, 1958
Equivalent citations: 1958 AIR 1032, 1959 SCR 1211
In the instant case, the insult alleged was by destruction of the image of God Ganesa. Apart from the question of evidence, which had yet to be adduced, it is a well-knonwn fact that the image of Lord Ganesa or any objective representation of a similar kind, is held sacred by certain classes of Hindus, even though the image may not have been consecrated
 Idols are only illustrative of those words. A sacred book, like the Bible, or the Koran, or the Granth Saheb, is clearly within the ambit of those general words. If the courts below were right in their interpretation of the crucial words in s. 295, the burning or otherwise destroying or defiling such sacred books, will not come within the 'Purview of the penal statute.

If there is a recurrence of such a foolish behaviour on the part of any section of the community, we have no doubt that those charged with the duty of maintaining law and order, will apply the law in the sense in which we have interpreted the law. //

How come this Judge gave permission and also he mingles with them openly
HOW COME K.VEERMANI Repeat Nonsense like EVR and also continue as a Chancellor of a UNIVERSTIY

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