Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Breaking India – Mercinery Missonaries works against India exposed with Proofs

Breaking India – Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines by Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan is a disturbing book and unless you’re actually receptive to the central theme, all that is described in the book you may construe as a conspiracy theory.
Through various examples and case studies the authors have explained how various individuals and organisations are constantly trying to break India on the lines of religion, caste and even race. These individuals and organisations involve anthropologists, scholars, historians, theologians, missionaries, extremists and politicians. Famous personalities, journalists, writers and activists are all part of this big conspiracy spanning almost a couple of centuries.
There are many reasons why when the Western colonisers came to India from the 16th century onwards, wealth wasn’t always one of the primary reasons. For examples, when the Germans came, people like Max Muller thought that the ancient glory of the German race could be traced in the Aryan invasion/migration. These guys were really stumped how such a backward and ancient-looking civilisation could create the Vedas and a complex language like Sanskrit? The only logic they could come up with was that the Aryans originally came from Sumeria and Europe and they were the ones who intermixed with the aboriginals and then came to be known as Indians in general and Hindus in particular. The ones who came from Europe to inhabit the northern parts of India were the original superior Aryans and whatever deformities had occurred they had occurred due to intermixing. Brahmins were the closest to the invaders and they tried their best to maintain the racial purity and this is the reason why people of the higher classes and castes are fairer compared to those who are not and they preferred not to marry and socialise with people of darker skins and flatter features.
The biggest drawback of this theory was that it divided the Indian society forever. There were classes in the ancient India, even up till the arrival of Western scholars, but castes were fewer. If you find mention of castes in mythological texts, the opponents of these theories claim that they were included later on so that people thought that such divides have existed since the time immemorial. Even the atrocities and clashes between upper and lower classes can be attributed to the ideological valleys created by such fallacious logics. The authors of the book claim that intellectuals, politicians, missionaries and scholars are continuously trying to create a Rwanda-like situation leading to a bloody civil war. Aside from Rwanda, they also provide a real-time example of Sri Lanka. In Rwanda, Brahmin-Dalit-Dravidian-like divide was created between the Hutus and the Tutsis that resulted in millions of deaths. A similar divide was created in Sri Lanka between Sinhalese and Tamilians and we all know what happened over there.
The information contained within the book is mind-boggling and also distressing. Of course a discerning reader already knows that some deeper conspiracy is going on to widen the fault lines and divide the Indian society as much as possible, but when the information is factually presented and when real names of individuals and organisations are used it becomes more disturbing. The authors chronicle various conferences, scholarly papers and prolonged campaigns used to not only disseminate and promote atrocity literature but also sow the seeds of hatred among various communities.
According to the book, there are many historians and scholars who claim that India is basically a collection of various races and there are very few things common, and whatever sense of commonality exists, it has been forcefully imposed on the weaker sections of the population. For instance, people living in a region like Bastar are not just culturally and regionally different from people living in Punjab, but they are racially different and hence, they deserve their own country. Such scholars believe that India should be Balkanised because there is no valid reason for it to exist in the present state.
Take for instance the Dravidian culture. According to the various theories floated by Dravidian scholars (based on the early Western anthropologists’ erroneous conclusions) the Dravidians are totally a different race, not even belonging to the Indian subcontinent. Around 1500 years ago there was a continent called Lemuria that was far ahead of its times, just like the mythical Atlantis, that connected Africa to India. When this continent submerged under the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, these Dravidians came to inhabit the lower parts of India. When the Aryans started invading the Indian subcontinent they also came to southern India. Dravidians and Tamilians were simple, hard-working and unsuspecting people. They were easily overpowered and enslaved by the cunning Aryans who called themselves Brahmins.
These theories begin to take a bizarre turn when they claim that it were the Tamils that established the Sumerian civilisation and before Babel it was Tamil that was spoken all over the world.
To further make a dent into the historical significance of Sanskrit, many historians claim that Sanskrit came to India in the second century A.D. and it was brought to India by Christian missionaries. They completely ignore the fact that many of the Sanskrit texts that have been found existed even before 500 and 600 BC.
This fabrication is used to incite Tamilians against Hindus/Brahmins in particular and north Indians in general. In Sri Lanka, this conspiracy was used to portray Sinhalese as superior Aryan descendants and Tamilians, the real inhabitants who were overpowered by perpetual scheming and atrocities.
Through modern techniques and DNA sampling scientists have proved that these theories have no real basis and they are mere concoctions and motivated imaginations. Even ancient texts reveal that various parts of India have always been connected religiously, mythologically, culturally as well as socially. Despite concrete evidence to the contrary, historians like Romila Thapar keep on promoting their outdated and disputed historical conclusions in every international forum. Scholarly papers are written based on wrong facts, and then these erroneous papers are quoted in other scholarly papers and this is how seeds of wrongful history are sown, doing irreparable damage to the real Indian history.
Christian organisations play a prominent part in raking up cultural, religious and social divides to propagate their own ideologies. Their basic methodology is, weaken cultural roots in the name of secularism and then gradually expose people to Christianity. Billions of dollars of funds are channelised to support these missionary organisations. You will be amazed to find renowned and prestigious institutions and organisations pumping money into India to instigate one religion against another.
This book is a must read for every concerned Indian. It’s a bit lengthy and it seems to drag on but this is because they have documented in detail the processes and techniques used to create faultlines and divide people as much as possible. After reading this book you realise that everything that is mentioned in the book is quite apparent all around you. You will notice how mediocrity is purposely promoted in the name of liberal thought and experimentation. You will learn that criticising Hindu festivals and cultural activities is not just an ideological manifestation, it is a part of a prolonged conspiracy. You will need lots of time to read this book, but do read it.

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