Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kodungallur and St.Thomas frauds continues with Pattanam excavations

Jesus said : Do not take the Road of Gentiles and do not enter Samaritan town in Matt 10:5-

These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
8:The Kingdom on God Heaven is at Hand
23:Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
Jesus was very clearly a Jewish Fanatic and a Fundamentalist.
Even in his Sermon on the Mount- his attack on God Believers , but not Jews in foul language as Dogs and Pigs. Such a racist was Jesus, that he said on the face of the  Greek woman of Syro-phoenician Women - he was for Only the lost sheep of Israel and not for others and Children's food cannot be given to Dogs.
Only when the Women said that she be blessed as Falling Crumbles of Children's food to Dog, Jesus said that for this answer your problem is attended.

Jews are the worst Nomads with No civilization before the arrival Greeks and Romans as per Archaeology and entire Old Testament is a product of 2nd Century BCE to 1st Century CE. Jesus refers OT as "Law and Prophets" many times, OT is TaNaK- Torah-Law; Nabiyam- Prophets; Ketubim- Writings.
Ketubims were added almost 100 years after Jesus, though some of them could be in use in few synagogues.

Old Testament has no Histoical Value, Israel of Bible never existed. 
Dead Sea Scrolls Torah says that the Local Small Deity of Israel - Yahweh's Temple was in Mt.Gerzim in Samaria, that means entire today's bible were remade to make it to Jerusalem specifice fictions.

Bible As Literature, Oxford University Press, written by 3 Professors John.A.Gabel, Charles B.Wheelr and Antony.D.York.
How was Hebrews living during OT times.
The small Corner of the Eastern Mediterranean, we have to keep reminding ourselves that it take up only Lower Third of that coast- particularly speaking was the Whole World to them.
With Just a Few Exceptions, No Canaanite Or Israelite City before the Roman Period occupied more area than that of an American University Football Stadium, most Villages were hardly bigger than the Playing Field itself. King’ David’s Jerusalem is estimated to have measured about 300 x 1300 foot. Inside the City-walls houses would be crammed together according to no particular pattern, leaving room for Passages bu not for Streets. Before the Greek Period there were no Public Building of the Kind that we take for granted, provided by the Municipal Government. -Pages- 87,88
Foreign Countries appear in the OT only as Military Allies or Enemies of the Israelites or as the Habitat of Alien Gods; otherwise, not a Slightest interest is shown in them. Page-77
The Best Opportunity for Economic Development, it might seem was One they never took; Commerce by Sea with Mediterranean always at their door, the Israelites stubbornly remained a Land Locked People. They were effectively Shut off from the Coast at first by the Philistines, but the warfare between the two, more had to do with the Philistines attempt to expand toward the east than with any desire of the Israelite to gain access to Sea. Although the Palestinian Coast has no natural Harbors south of Carmel, this need not have been a Permanent Obstacle.
The Israelites were Content to Let others – Phoenicians and Egyptians conduct their Merchant Shipping for them, almost as though they Believed the Covenant Language in its Narrowest Sense as a Promise of Land and Nothing Further.
It is clear from their writings in the OT THAT THE SEA WAS ALWAYS to them, had no significant part to Play in their Thought. -Pages 86-87.
History of Christianity-Vol-I-   A.M.Mundaden:
“Dr.Walter J. Fischel, ‘the Greatest Authories on the Jews of Cochin’ prefersto refrain from taking any definite position regarding the pre-sixteenth century history of Kerala Jews.Page-20

JEWS in India could earliest be from 9th Century if they were in Kodungallore - Kochi as Kodungallur was below Sea till early 9th Century as per ASI Excavations in 1969.

Church History of Travancore” by C.M.Agur, (released by the Church in commemoration of Centenary Celebrations of the Church in 1903) reprint 1990, refers to the Merchant Thomas of Cana who came in 745 AD and clearly affirms-
“ Long after his Death the people Canonised him and the Subsequent Generation confused St.Thomas the Armenian Merchant with St.Thomas the Apostle, who never came to Malabar. This Confusion becomes more potent when we look in to the names of the Churches said to have been founded by the Merchant Thomas are Identical with the names of the Churches attributed to St.Thomas. Page-12
 Now Assume Jesus was a noble man, and Thomas went in for preaching - why should he come to India- Myth spread as Jews were in India earlier without any proof. 
Keralite Ramban Song in Malayalam is said to be a old Memoir of St.Thomas coming to India along with Acta Thoma.
HOW RELIABLE IS RAMBAN PATTU Or Other Keralite Traditions?
Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32 ibid
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3 ibid
Rev. Mathen Manathala says in, -and article titled ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE- -This tradition has many contradictions and factual errors. First of all there were no Brahmins in the Malabar Coast until the eight century. Secondly, the places where he is supposed to have founded churches were non existent as those parts of the western coast were still under the Arabian Sea. Thirdly, ordination of Kassesos and Rambans was not practiced in Christianity until the first quarter of the second century any where in the world. The only written evidence to this Malabar tradition is found in the Ramban Pattu supposed to be written in early 17th century, but the language used denotes a much later time, sometime in the 19th century.
 Opinion seems to be Unanimously in supporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden. Page-12  History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan
Ramban Pattu is made from Acts of Thomas and Portughese Legends.
Ramban Pattu says 7.5 church fictions.  Church spread St.Thomas building 7and half church in and around Kodungallur 
NO CHURCH ever built Till early 4th century mid 3rd century any where in World.
Why and when did Christians start constructing special buildings for worship?
St.Thoms Crosses shown in Church with insscriptions that are dated by Scholars as 9th century Pahalavi, and not properly deciphered till date does not prove any thing. 
The Apostle established seven “and a half” churches in Malabar at Kodungalloor (Muziris),  Paravur,  PalayoorKokkamangalam,NiranamNilackalKollam, and the Thiruvithamcode Arappally in Kanyakumari district. -   proved Fictions by Archaeological Survy of INDIA.  

ASI Excavated Kodungallur in 1947, under P.Anujan Achan  and found articles of 14th century or later only. KERALA CHURCHMEN AND POLITCIANS put on pressure showing the above referred Copper plate and wanted ASI do more detailed Survey  Archaeological Survey of India under Highly Reputed Archaeologists Dr.K.V.Raman went for excavation , K.V.Raman and K.V.Saundararajan (1969-70). Archaeological sites such as  
Cheraman Parambu 
  Thrikkulasekharapuram etc.,  provided cultural remains of iron and copper tools, glass beads, semi precious stones, ceramics of dull red ware, celadon ware roof tiles, earthen lamps and coins. They are all dated between 900-1100 A.D...   

Dr.K.V.Raman wrote a book on his excavations in Tamil and has given details about Kodungallur excavations in each of his locations and all locations in and around Kodungallore (Cranganore) had same type and that Human Habitation took place in Later chera period in 9th Century CE Only and this is uniformly found in all locations. 

Pattanam Escavation Myth:
CHURCH Based Historians of KCHR Claims having excavated more than 1,25,000 artifacts in the pits they show has not convinced Professional Archaeologists. 

Archaelogists and Renowened Kerala Historians want complete Pattanam Excavations to be handed over to ASI and even the old pits must be re-excavated to check the periods claimed.

KCHR has not come to any conclusion that Pattanam is Muziris.     Prof K.N. Panikkar, chairman of KCHR
But everywhere in the Media - and internet it is spread as Muzuris. NO PORT CITY or Houses have been found till date. No Warf like As pulished in Foriegn Magazines are not at site

The venue was Thiruvananthapuram, at the Joint Annual Conference of Indian Archaeological Society (ACIAS), Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS), and Indian History and Culture Society (IHCS). Strongly criticising the archaeological excavations at Pattanam site in Kerala and the rambling hotchpotch of cultural remains without periodisation especially of pottery, veteran Archaeologist and former Director of Archaeology and Museums, Karnataka, A Sundara’s strong criticism came after the Kerala Council for Historical Research (henceforth KCHR) Director presented his paper on Pattanam excavations.
Professor PM Rajan Gurukkal, historian and one of the members of the MHP  also admitted that the site was unfit for any archaeological excavation as the soil has been virtually tampered for various construction purposes and digging of wells leaving no space for stratigraphical analysis of the cultural remains which have agglomerated.
Professor Sundara is one of the most reputed Archaeologists in India, Dr R Nagaswamy, former Director of Archaeology, Tamil Nadu ,  Dr T Satyamurthy, former Director, ASI, Prof.M.G.S.Narayan all were not convinced by KCHR Claims.
Absolutely unreliable KCHR, but to spread St.Thomas myth various Scholars from International Universities were involved, but no body has answered any querries on the sites, and the possibility of Planting those Artifacts at site.
ASI must Take over and Re-dig even the Existing Pits.

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