Friday, September 11, 2015

St.Thomas India- fictions and Christian Historians dubious methods.

Joseph Kolangaden - Vice-President Kerala History Congress, Retd HOD, English Dept, St.Joseph College, Trichy, Tamilnadu wrote a book   “The Historicity of Apostle Thomas” 1993, claiming compiling of evidence in small book.
Photo0034 Photo0032

His back ground in the rear cover says he has published books in Tamil.
Heading – Corroboration from Early Tamil Literature. 

//Bardaisson was associated with
‘Elagabolus’  the author of ‘Chilappadikaram’. Bardaisson
himself migh be ‘Madurai Koola
Vankan Chattanar’ – the royal trade
commissioner. //page -31
//’Manimekhalai’ celebrating the 
courtesan’s daughter turned ascetic, 
inculcates the diametrically opposite 
approach to sex, in fact the Manichaean 
attitude to sex.// page- 31//

 //Any way Manimekhalai Gathai 27
describes  the ‘Isanuvadigal ‘ of
Vanchimanagar with strict monotheism,
 most likely a reference to the nascent
Christian community.// Page -32. Let us Manimekhalai below.

27. சமயக் கணக்கர் தம் திறம் கேட்ட காதை
என்றவன் தன்னை விட்டுஇறைவன் ஈசன்என
நின்ற சைவ வாதி நேர்படுதலும் 
பரசும் நின் தெய்வம் எப்படித்து?’ என்ன
இரு சுடரோடு இயமானன் ஐம் பூதம் என்று
எட்டு வகையும் உயிரும் யாக்கையுமய்க்   27-090
கட்டி நிற்போனும் கலை உருவினோனும்
படைத்து விளையாடும் பண்பினோனும்
துடைத்துத் துயர் தீர் தோற்றத்தோனும்
தன்னில் வேறு தான் ஒன்று இலோனும்
அன்னோன் இறைவன் ஆகும்என்று உரைத்தனன் …….

iRaivan Eesan ena
ninRa Saivavaathi neerpaduthalum 
The Saivaite says Lord Siva is my God.  (Siva is mentioned as Easan my God)
This verse proves Christians in Tamilnadu  for this Professor.
Dr.Joseph Kolangaden, during this book writing was Vice-President Kerala History Congress. 
//The St.Thomas Mount ( 6 miles from Mylapore) church treasures besides the 
bleeding cross, a painting of Our Lady traditionally considered to be by the 
Evangelist St.Luke and brought by
 St.Thomas.// Page 29
The Cross has inscriptions of 9th century  in Pahalvi Language with varying  readings,  and the picture is dated  to  10th Century CE.
For this Professor these prove Thomas coming.
An Appraisal from a fellow Christian Professor Mr.John Ochanathuruth
of University of Calicut- History
 “As for as I could see from all the 
Shreds  of Quotations presented by
Prof. Kolangadan in this Volume, 
the antiquity  of St.Thomas Tradition in South India cannot go beyond 13th Century. So for as direct and explicit support in favour of the St.Thomas Tradition in South India is concerned, I have No Doubt that the answer must be, None. Neither the Church Fathers nor  the  Apocryphal Acts say anything  explicitly about Malabar. ” Pg- 79
Jesus telling himself as God- only in 4th Gospel are fictions.
Mackennal Professor of Church History at Oxford University . C. J. Cadoux’writes : “The speeches in the Fourth Gospel (even apart from the early messianic claim) are so different from those in the Syoptics, and so like the comments of the Fourth Evangelist both cannot be equally reliable as records of what Jesus said : Literary veracity in ancient times did forbid, as it does now, the assignment of fictitious speeches to historical characters: the best ancient historians made a practice of and assigning such speeches in this way.”——– 1. C.J. Cadoux: The Life of Jesus, p. 16.
Jesus never started any Religions -//All this should make clear that the view, which still persists in some circles that Jesus’s aim was to found a Church, different from Synagogue is quiet improbable. The Gospels themselves bear little trace of such a view…. Thus attempts to picture Jesus as breaking away Judaism, of Conceiving a religion in which Jews and Gentiles stood alike, equal in the sight of God, would appear to be in fragment contradiction to Probability//. page 144-45. Christian Beginnings Part- 2 by Morton Scott Enslin
“The office of Messiah-ship with which Jesus believed himself to be invested, marked him out for adistinctly national role: and accordingly we find him more or less confining his preaching and healing ministry and that of his disciples to Jewish territory, and feeling hesitant when on one occasion he was asked to heal a Gentile girl. Jesus, obvious veneration for Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Scriptures indicates the special place which he accorded to Israel in his thinking: and several features of his teaching illustrate the same attitude. Thus, in calling his hearers ‘brothers’ of  another (i.e., fellow-Jews) and frequently contrasting their ways with those of the Gentiles, in defending his cure of a woman on the Sabbath with the, plea that she was a daughter of Abraham’ and befriending the tax-collector Zacchaeus because he too is a son of Abraham, and in fixing the number of his special disciples at twelve to, match the number of the tribes of Israel-in all this Jesus shows how strongly Jewish a stamp he wished to impress upon his mission.” C.J. Cadoux:  p. 80-81

Why Church is spreading this Fables  I quote a Church Scholars WORK which tells Truth openly-  “Psychologically such a Perception is important , in that it helps to attach the involved population to a long tradition which in turn insets them with Dignity and Pride. Sociologically such a cognition defines Indian Christianity as Pre-Colonial phenomenon which is of Tremendous Existential Consequence.” – Page-40, The Christian Clergy in India, Vol.-I, T.K.Comen & Hunter.P.Malony, Sage Publications 
WHO WAS APOSTLE THOMAS . //"The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning Twin, most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as TWIN" - Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI 

Church History of Travancore by C.M.Agur, (released by the Church in commemoration of Centenary Celebrations of the Church in 1903) reprint 1990, refers to the Merchant Thomas of Cana who came in 745 AD and clearly affirms- 
 Long after his Death the people Canonised him and the Subsequent Generation confused St.Thomas the Armenian Merchant with St.Thomas the Apostle, who never came to Malabar. This Confusion becomes more potent when we look in to the names of the Churches said to have been founded by the Merchant Thomas are Identical with the names of the Churches attributed to St.Thomas. Page-12

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உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம்

  உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு! - PANDIYAN LODGE COMPENSATION புறம்போக்கு இடத்தில் கட்டப...