As per Publicity Tricks of Santhome church here, St.Thomas Traditions- church propaganda is -Mainly three traditions are attributed to St. Thomas’ visit and apostolic mission in India.

The Ninth Act: of the Wife of Charisius.
87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman Ieapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country,For We Live In The Desert;
In the desert country, few historians identify as Bahrain and found a Tomb also.
The Indian Tradition is mainly spread by Church, contained in the song of Ramban Pattu, whose Malayalam version can be downloaded here, which is then multiplied by veeradian pattu and others; Some Keralite can help us with Transliteration and Translation verbatim.
Ramban Pattu is made from Acts of Thomas and Portughese Legends.
Ramban Pattu says 7.5 church fictions.
The Apostle established seven “and a half” churches in Malabar at Kodungalloor (Muziris), Paravur, Palayoor, Kokkamangalam,Niranam, Nilackal, Kollam, and the Thiruvithamcode Arappally in Kanyakumari district. - proved Fictions by ARCHAELOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA.
ASI Excavated Kodungallur in 1947, under P.Anujan Achan and found articles of 14th century or later only. KERALA CHURCHMEN AND POLITCIANS put on pressure showing the above referred Copper plate and wanted ASI do more detailed Survey Archaeological Survey of India under Highly Reputed Archaeologists Dr.K.V.Raman went for excavation , K.V.Raman and K.V.Saundararajan (1969-70). Archaeological sites such as
Cheraman Parambu
Thrikkulasekharapuram etc., provided cultural remains of iron and copper tools, glass beads, semi precious stones, ceramics of dull red ware, celadon ware roof tiles, earthen lamps and coins. They are all dated between 900-1100 A.D...

Dr.K.V.Raman wrote a book on his excavations in Tamil and has given details about Kodungallur excavations in each of his locations and all locations in and around Kodungallore (Cranganore) had same type and that Human Habitaion took place in Later chera period in 9th Century CE Only and this is uniformly found in all locations.
None of the earlier records of Vatican Roman records mention Kerala or Mylapore or Cranganore.
NEXT FRAUD - IS Building of Churches and So called Saint Thomas Christian crosses
The inscriptions are said to be of 9th century, Pahlavi Language, and these may not be christian at all and there are various reading each differ on its own.
Christianity grew very slowly, from around a number of around 500 Christians in 40CE, touched 5000 by 100CE only, and reached around 2- 3million by the time of Council of Nicea as per the authors of this book and its reviewers.

No where in the world, Christians report Church building, they assembled in houses of Pastors or members and only by 225CE, first time a church building is mentioned.
Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden. Page-12 History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan
Church knows Kodungallur was under sea and to hide KCHR Was made and planted evidence from Pattnam are done.
St.Thomas in India is a Fiction - and all so called traditions are all false and planted are misinterpretted by Church.

1.Acts of Thomas – an apocryphal book
2.Writings of early church fathers
3.Indian tradition- Malabar traditions of Kerala
Let us Consult Church views2.Writings of early church fathers
3.Indian tradition- Malabar traditions of Kerala
The acts of Judas Thomas the apostle[3] written by Jewish poet Bardesan in the 3rd century mentions Calamina in Persia as the place where St. Thomas was martyred. Saint Thomas is said to have visited the (historical) kingdom of Gondophorus of the Indo-Parthian Kingdom at the Indo-Persian border with the capital at Taxila to build a Palace for King Gondophareswhere he was commissioned to build a palace for the King. Thomas is said then to have visited the kingdom of Misdaeus (also called Mazdai). Gondophares and Mazdai were Greco-Persian Kings not related to Dravidian Tamils.
The acts then state that Thomas converted the wife of King Misdeus, Queen Tertia, Princess Mygdonia wife of Charisius, Prince Juzanes and Cyphorus who was ordained as Deacon. The infuriated King Misdaes ordered four soldiers to take Saint Thomas to a hill in his Persian kingdom and spear him where he was martyred. Thomas's remains were moved toEdessa, Mesopotamia. All these are Greco-Persian, not ancient Tamil names. Bardesan never mentioned Brahmins as the killers of Saint Thomas; this tradition is Portuguese. Syrian Christians appeared in Madras only when it became an important outpost of the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century. Ancient Tamils of Chola Dynasty andPandyan Kingdoms never knew Syrian Christians.
Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash Bourne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-
“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Story would have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.
The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms- “It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.”
What Chruch says about ACTA THOMAE?- in St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia, ed. George Menachery in which Article -The Acts of Thomas- by Rev.Anthony Poathoor.
– “The Acts of Thomas in its present form contains many Doctrinal Errors. Some Historians conclude that The Acts of Thomas is the work of an unknown heretic who made use of the Authority to support his own Theological Opinions. Some Other Authors have suggested that the present work is the corrupted form of an older Orthodox version. In the view of former, We can hardly call the text interpolated, because the additions increase nearly Ten-fold to the Original Text. There is no doubt that the present Acts of Thomas is unacceptable from the Doctrinal point of View”. Page- 24.
St.Thomas ofActs was killed in Kingdom of Mazdai, how was it?
87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman Ieapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country,For We Live In The Desert;
In the desert country, few historians identify as Bahrain and found a Tomb also.
The Indian Tradition is mainly spread by Church, contained in the song of Ramban Pattu, whose Malayalam version can be downloaded here, which is then multiplied by veeradian pattu and others; Some Keralite can help us with Transliteration and Translation verbatim.
Early mentions -The first known written evidence for a division in the Saint Thomas Christian community dates to the 16th century, when Portuguese colonial officials took notice of it. A 1518 letter by a Jesuit missionary mentions a conflict between the children of Thomas of Cana, hinting at a rift in the community in contemporary times. In 1579 another Jesuit named Monserrate wrote on the tradition of Thomas of Cana’s two wives for the first time; he describes the division of the community, but gives no details about either side.[5] A 1603 letter by Portuguese official J. M. Campori further discusses the division, which had by that point become intermittently violent; Campori likewise traces its origin to the story of Thomas’ two wives. None of these sources explicitly name the two sides as Northists and Southists. -The tradition of Thomas the Apostle
Traditional belief of Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala is that Thomas the Apostle landed in or around Kodungallur in the middle of the 1st century and founded Seven Churches, or Ezharapallikal: Kodungallur, Niranam, Nilackal (Chayal), Kokkamangalam, Kottakkavu, Palayoor (Chattukulangara) andThiruvithamcode Arappally – a "half church".[7][8][9] According to one view, aCochin Jew colony in Malabar Coast (later named Anjuvannam near Kodungallur), probably established before 6th century BC, attracted the Apostle to this region.
Christians are very careful, they use the term "Tradition" -What does Tradition means - Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-.. whole story which lies shrouded in Legends, fables, fictions and confusing details. Quiet often One has no other option but tto fall back on what is claimed as tradion. No wonder then that Speculations,Surmises and Presumptions have characterized many studies of the period. To avoid filling into such pitfalls out of a large basket of all sorts of materials all claiming to be Tradtion-facts: Legends, Myths, wishful thinking, telescoping of events easy hormonisation etc., P-2 History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan, Professor of Church History and Theology at the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore
HOW RELIABLE IS RAMBAN PATTU Or Other Keralite Traditions?
Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.. Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32 ibid
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3 ibid
Ramban Song as per Church claims was composed in 17th Century. But one of the Nasrani Thomas Christian website says that Linguistically it can be dated to 19th Century., -and article titled ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE- Written by Mr. Mathen Manathala says-This tradition has many contradictions and factual errors. First of all there were no Brahmins in the Malabar Coast until the eight century. Secondly, the places where he is supposed to have founded churches were non existent as those parts of the western coast were still under the Arabian Sea. Thirdly, ordination of Kassesos and Rambans was not practiced in Christianity until the first quarter of the second century any where in the world. The only written evidence to this Malabar tradition is found in the Ramban Pattu supposed to be written in early 17th century, but the language used denotes a much later time, sometime in the 19th century.Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.. Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32 ibid
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3 ibid
Ramban Song as per Church claims was composed in 17th Century. But one of the Nasrani Thomas Christian website says that Linguistically it can be dated to 19th Century.
Ramban Pattu is made from Acts of Thomas and Portughese Legends.
Ramban Pattu says 7.5 church fictions.
The Apostle established seven “and a half” churches in Malabar at Kodungalloor (Muziris), Paravur, Palayoor, Kokkamangalam,Niranam, Nilackal, Kollam, and the Thiruvithamcode Arappally in Kanyakumari district. - proved Fictions by ARCHAELOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA.

Cheraman Parambu
Thrikkulasekharapuram etc., provided cultural remains of iron and copper tools, glass beads, semi precious stones, ceramics of dull red ware, celadon ware roof tiles, earthen lamps and coins. They are all dated between 900-1100 A.D...

Dr.K.V.Raman wrote a book on his excavations in Tamil and has given details about Kodungallur excavations in each of his locations and all locations in and around Kodungallore (Cranganore) had same type and that Human Habitaion took place in Later chera period in 9th Century CE Only and this is uniformly found in all locations.
None of the earlier records of Vatican Roman records mention Kerala or Mylapore or Cranganore.
NEXT FRAUD - IS Building of Churches and So called Saint Thomas Christian crosses
The inscriptions are said to be of 9th century, Pahlavi Language, and these may not be christian at all and there are various reading each differ on its own.
Christianity grew very slowly, from around a number of around 500 Christians in 40CE, touched 5000 by 100CE only, and reached around 2- 3million by the time of Council of Nicea as per the authors of this book and its reviewers.
No where in the world, Christians report Church building, they assembled in houses of Pastors or members and only by 225CE, first time a church building is mentioned.
Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden. Page-12 History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan
Church knows Kodungallur was under sea and to hide KCHR Was made and planted evidence from Pattnam are done.
St.Thomas in India is a Fiction - and all so called traditions are all false and planted are misinterpretted by Church.
This article is Poorly researched. Please do a detailed study next time
ReplyDeleteEdi porri molee ninte amede pootil poyiblaraysdi abarathij ee story . Avalde ammedee konon..pine st thomas omanil enth ollaa aduii pundachiuu... go and study edii para poori deva priya pelayadichi molee...ninte amedee konothil poyiibpsdikuu...
ReplyDeleteThere should have been at least one Christian archeologist in the team to minimize the biased opinion on the findings.