Thursday, March 25, 2021

செத்தவர் உயிர்த்து எழுந்ததாக நாடகம் நடிக்க 22வயது பாஸ்டர் குழியில் புதைக்க செத்துப் போனார்

ஜாம்பியா நாட்டில் 22 வயது ஜேம்ஸ் சகலா ஒரு ஹீலர். கிறிஸ்தவ ஸ்டண்ட் அடிக்த அதாவது இறந்தார் ஏன உயிரோடு  புதைத்து விட்டு சில மணி நேரம் கழித்து என்னை குழியிலிருந்து உயிர்த்து எழுந்தார் என நாடகம் செய்ய முயற்சி செய்துள்ளார். 7அடி மண் குழியில் உயிரோடு அவரை புதைத்து விட்டு இரண்டு மணி நேரம் கழித்து தோண்டி எடுத்தால் அவர் மூச்சுக் காற்று விட முடியாமல் இறந்துபோய் கிடந்தார்.


A 22-year-old traditional healer, who is also a member of Zion Church in Chadiza district, has died after allegedly being buried alive by his church members.

Eastern Province Commissioner of Police, Geza Lungu, says James Sakala of Mpeta Village in Chief Maguya’s area was allegedly buried alive by his church mates, Lawrence Daka a Pastor, Pearson Phiri and Patrick Daka, all of Mtali village in Chief Mwangala’s area in District Chadiza.

Lungu told Breeze FM News that the incident occurred on Sunday when Sakala allegedly went to administer traditional medicine at Zion Church at Mtali village as he was practising as a healer besides his faith.

The Police Commissioner said after a Church Service at Zion Church around 14 hours on Sunday, Sakala allegedly went into his spirits and told the Church members to dig a sizeable grave for him to be buried to demonstrate how his powers to rise from the grave works, which practise he is believed to be doing often.

He explained that some church members refused but that Sakala insisted and went ahead to personally dig some shallow grave using a hoe he borrowed from the nearby house.

After this process, Sakala voluntarily jumped into the said grave and shouted at the Church members to bury him so that they can witness the resurrection.

He says church members still refused, but one of the Church members by the name of Innocent Phiri stated that he had witnessed Sakala being buried and resurrecting to life, and that on the basis of the assurance, the trio decided to bury the victim alive in the sizeable grave of approximately two meters deep.

He says Church members later started singing in the hope that Sakala would resurrect, but to no avail.

Lungu adds that members then decided to try and rescue him by way of un-burying him and only to discover that the victim was failing to breath, an indication that he had suffocated.

He says Police visited the scene of crime of about 45 kilometres away from the police station and that upon inspection of the body, it was found to be in a bad state as it was believed to have been exposed to sunlight and heavy rains while waiting for the Police to arrive.

He says the body has been buried and the grave has been marked awaiting postmortem and that a manhunt for the three suspects is underway.

Credits: Breeze FM.


உயிரோடு புதைத்து செத்தவர் உயிர்து எழுந்தார்  நாடகம் - 22 வயது ஜேம்ஸ் சகலா இறந்துபோனார்.

கிறிஸ்துவ மத மூடநம்பிக்கைகள் இருள் நிறைந்த முழுவதும் கட்டுக்கதை ஆளானது இதைப் போல இன்னொரு விஷயம் பாம்பை பிடித்து விஷத்தைக் குடித்தாலும் இழக்க மாட்டீர்கள் என சொல்லி இன்னும் நிரூபிப்பதற்காக பல பாஸ்டர்கள் அமெரிக்க சர்ச்சில் இறந்ததை முன்பே பார்த்துள்ளோம்.

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