Saturday, May 13, 2023

CSI Coimbatore Bishop marries Ida selvakumari -before Divorce

CSI All Souls'Church  Dear parish members,

The situation has forced to inform you that as per the 1st letter by bishop Timothy ravinder, Rev. S. Prince Calvin was appointed as a chairman in total violation to the orders of the honorable Supreme Court of India. However he was never appointed as a Presbyter. Second letter proves that Rev. Charles Samraj is the Presbyter of CSI All Souls'Church, Coimbatore. Moreover, once the operation and effect of the impugned orders of the honorable Madras High Court dated 23.12.2021 is stayed by the honorable Supreme Court of India, the honorable Principal District Munsif court order comes into force, there by Rev. Charles samraj is the chairman of CSI All Souls'Church, Coimbatore. If they really uphold on status quo order then how Asst Presbyter Rev. Rajesh was removed from the Pastorate committee? Because the illegally elected Pastorate committee do not want to accept but continues to violate the orders of the honorable Court. So, Rev. Charles Samraj had initiated comtempt proceedings against bishop and Rev. S. Prince Calvin. Further, the fourth documents prove that one Mrs. Ida Selvakumari is 2nd wife of Mr. Roosevelt of Ambalakari and now married Rev. Prince Calvin as her 3rd husband and even the said marriage was not yet registered., appropriate criminal defamation will be initiated on illegally elected secretary Ramamoorthy who served in government agency using his Hindu crediatials but now claiming to be Christian. All three members who were appointed as inquiry committee are agents of prince Calvin, who reported without following any principles of natural justice. That was just to keep Rev. Charles Samraj away from contesting in the 34th diocesan Council because Rev. Prince Calvin knows very well he will not be able to win as secretary if Rev. Charles Samraj contest. If he believes in democracy and honest let Rev. Charles Samraj be allowed to contest in the council and let the members decide. Why is Rev. Prince Calvin so scared? Please uphold our padres who are being tortured without even basic needs such as drinking water, salaries. Pls keep them in your prayers.

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