Trying to find a Dravidian ideologue's UC Berkeley PhD - A thread.
This tweet has been seen on the timeline and the name UC Berkeley caught my eye as it is one of the top educational institutes. A doctorate from there piqued my interest.
Thanks The Common Swadeshi @CommonSwadeshi
Just out of basic curiosity, I tried to know when this person (KRS) had done his doctorate. Now, there are usually a lot of digital traces for any student with an American university. It would be so for a doctoral candidate with a premier university. Or so I thought.
KRS claims (pic below) that he received his doctorate in Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley . So, his name should feature in either of these webpages.
I couldn't find KRS' name (Kannabiran Ravishankar) anywhere.
The 2 links are: UC Berkeley's completed PhDs and Graduate students in Comparative Literature. If the completed PhDs list isn't updated, the student's name would remain in the Graduate students list.
Now, I turned to the other part of his claim: 'Researcher and Adjunct Professor at the Paris University.'
Again, I couldn't find his name anywhere, I searched even in 'French' in CNRS Paris website, etc. His name/profile is not to be found in any of the university websites.
There is something known as Google Scholar which provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. The scholar's email associated with the university would be verified.
Check KRS' Google Scholar page. His e-mail is associated with Kurtz Institute. When I click the 'homepage', it does not lead to any university's website, but to a website named Dravida Pozhil -
KRS' Google Scholar page -
So, no names will be missed, and KRS' name doesn't feature in any of them.KRS claims that he is associated with Kurtz Institute. Well, it isn't even a university. You wouldn't find any pic of the campus or anything. It is just a non-profit organization.

11.As you can see, all roads lead to nothing. No confirmation of doctorate in comparative literature or any of the research or adjunct professor work of KRS. KRS, who always makes claims about proofs with links, should provide some.
The search ends here.
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