Sunday, February 13, 2022

Thanjaviur Student suicide -CBi investigation must- Tortured school warden Nun.Sahaya Mari welcomed by DMK MLA

The Catholic Warden Nun.Sahaya Mari welcomed by Ruling DMK Mla from Trichy when she is out on bail


Supreme court to hear the case which Honorable Madras High-court had ordered for CBI enquiry as the Dying declaration videos have been accepted by TN Police and School as Genuine 

The recent Judgement on Dying declaration by Honorable Chandigarh High-court

MASSIVE MEDIA CAMPAIGN BY CHURCH AND ITS PAID ASSISTANTS THAT SCHOOL WAS NOT DOING CONVERSION. ALL Know that they work on specific targets and not all as Mahatma Gandhi, said School is run on Hindu tax payer money as Business and Mask for conversion

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