Thursday, September 12, 2024

தமிழக அமைச்சரின் ஜாதிவெறி பிளவு வாத வெறுப்பு பேச்சு

திமுக -திராவிட இயக்கம் என்பது தமிழர் இல்லாத பெரும் பணக்கார ஆதிக்க ஜாதியினர் தங்கள் நலத்திற்காக ஆர்ம்பித்து, கிறிஸ்துவ ஆங்கிலேய கொடுங்கோல ஆட்சி துணையில் பெரும் கோடிஸ்வரர்களாக சர்ச் அடிமையாக உள்ளனர்.

"If it were not for the opposition of the Brahmins we should have them embracing the religion of Jesus Christ", wrote Francis Xavier about his efforts in India.

In 1541, Francis Xavier sailed for India. His objective was to spread Christianity. He imagined that people in India were living evil lives and that it was his duty to challenge them, convert them. Francis Xavier wanted to challenge Hindus and Brahmins about their religion. A typical exchange was always marked by considerable hostility from Xavier's side towards Hindus. After all, once someone has discovered Truth in a book and in a specific prophet, everyone else is inevitably considered lower down, who could be eradicated with little concern. He would be known to history as St. Xavier. In India there are a number of schools and other institutions after his name. Given here is an excerpt from his life and letters as compiled by Henry Coleridge in the 19th century.

Saint Francis Xavier: "When all are baptized I order all the temples of their false gods to be destroyed and all the idols to be broken in pieces. I can give you no idea of the joy I feel in seeing this done, witnessing the destruction of the idols by the very people who but lately adored them."

St. Francis Xavier -

"if not for Brahmins I would have converted all Hindus to Christianity."

"In all my time in India, I converted only 1 Brahmin."


Brahmins (Traditional ones) are keeper of texts and traditions, performers of rituals & priests of temples.all of which bind Hindus together as one.

And that's why the Brahmins were maligned under a conspiracy and today you can see the result in those states where Hindus are just left out and Christians have become majority.

The Brahmins have knowledgeable roots that have kept the tree of Sanatan Dharma strong since ancient times and invaders started cutting our roots using our own people.They used some unorthodox Brahmins as examples to defame entire community and they succeeded.

People who spend lakhs of crores of rupees in marriages, events, and even give two or four thousand to a Brahmin who conducts programs in a Vedic manner, say that the Pandit has taken away the loot.

Irony is Hindu's enjoy insulting them.

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