Monday, April 5, 2021

Christians deny burial of Pentecosts in their Cementry- Highcourt says bury in waterbody

P.Joseph Raj of  Sirunaickenpatti, A.Vellodu Village, Dindigul Taluk and District a Pentecost sect man filed a case in Madras highcourt. Details of the case as below.


Pentecost church members Justin Thiraviyam and Thomaiyar- dead bodies were not allowed to  be buried in RC Christian cemetery by Catholic church management. and  were instead buried in the village Water body called Pommacchi (which was earlier allocated for Pentecost for cementry but later being water body and none was not used as cementry) Kanmai. 

P.Joseph Raj  wants the body be exhumed and bodies be Cremated.


Mr.P.Joseph raj prayer included that in a country like India with huge population all Indians who dies be Cremated in stead burying in land.

Honorable court did not look into that Prayer and also did not ask Catholics to allot land for burial of other cults in RC Cemetery; but  gave Judgement that let the Pentecost be buried in Water body itself.

Church wants Rs.50,000/- for Burial at Chruch Cemetry. 

News clipping from Tamil Dinamalar Newspaper site

In Chennai Suburb Pallavaram Mr.Rajan Taxi Driver was affected due to Lock down and could not pay his instalment dues to his Borrowings from a Private bank (Rs.7,00,000), he hanged himself when family was in Church for Christmas Prayer. Saint. Stephen's English Church clearly insisted Rs.35,000/- for cementry place and Rs.15,000/- for digging earth. Family requested the situation of death and still Church showed no humaniarian consideration, finally friends and neighbours all contributed and only on receiving money the church allowed burial.

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