Tuesday, June 7, 2022

அற்புத சுகமளிக்கும் ஜெபக்கூட்டங்கள் கப்சா பயன் இல்லை பாதிரி.ஜஸ்டின் பீட்டர்ஸ்

பாஸ்டர். செபாஸ்டியன் மார்ட்டின் (
மும்பை ஆசிர்வாத் ப்ரேயர் கூடம் என நடத்தி வந்த ஹீலர் பாபா) 53 வயதில் சர்க்கரை வியாதி அதிகமாக உடல் உறுப்பு செயல் இழக்க இறந்து போனார்.  
அற்புத சுகமளிக்கும் கூட்டங்கள் என்கிற பெயரில் மோசடிகளை தெளிவாக விளக்கும் அமெரிக்க கிறிஸ்துவ பிறவியில் பெருமூளை வாத பாதிப்பு கொண்ட பாதிரி.ஜஸ்டின் பீட்டர்ஸ்

அற்புத சுகமளிக்கும் கூட்டங்கள் என்கிற பெயரில் மோசடிகளை தெளிவாக விளக்கும் அமெரிக்க கிறிஸ்துவ பிறவியில் பெருமூளை வாத பாதிப்பு கொண்ட பாதிரி.ஜஸ்டின் பீட்டர்ஸ்


About Ashirwad The Founder
Dr. SEBASTIAN MARTIN is the founder and director of the ‘Ashirwad Prayer Centre’ and is in full time ministry for 12 years. In January, 1985, he accepted Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour and he served the Lord for 12 years while he was working as a Lecturer in college. Dr. Sebastian Martin holds a post-graduate degree in commerce and a professional degree of Chartered Accountancy. He was a visiting lecturer in post-graduate studies of the University of Bombay, India and was also Head of the Department of Accountancy in a commerce college. He has preached in different parts of India and also abroad. Of late, he has been honoured with Ph. D. by an International university. Sis. ASHA MARTIN is the wife of Dr. Sebastian Martin. She came to the Lord in 1987 and has been working along with her husband for last 22 years. She edits the English magazine called ‘The Saviour’. The founder couple has 2 children, namely, MARIA and YOHAN. Both are studying computer engineering. God is using both the children mightily in the ministry. RESIDENTIAL RETREATS Every week we have residential retreats. These retreats begin on Monday at 10.30a.m. and end on Thursday at 04.00p.m. The charges for the retreat are Rs.500/- (US$ 25 ) You can join the retreat only on Monday and you are free to leave the retreat anytime with permission. Certain cases where the patients are in desperate situation and are on the verge of death are not admitted. Whether to admit the case or not solely depends on the centre’s authority. And therefore it is advised not to bring such cases. They can take help of our telephone prayer service. These retreats began in June 1999 and more than 600 retreats have been so far conducted. Thousands of people from different parts of India have so far attended these retreats. People suffering from diseases like cancer, HIV, kidney stones, heart troubles etc. have been healed miraculously. Do not forget to read the testimonies. Even doctors and Lawyers have attended these retreats and have given the living testimonies. One Day Retreats Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we have one day prayer meetings. On Friday the prayer meeting is conducted in Hindi & On Saturday & Sunday it is conducted in Marathi. These prayer services are attended by thousands of people. They begin at 9:30 am and end at 6.00 pm. The lunch and the tea are provided by the Centre. We depend on free offerings given by the retreatants. Thousands of people have so far attended these retreats and mighty miracles have taken place. Any person who has a desire to experience the love of God is welcomed without any discrimination. We advise not to bring the cases which are on the verge of death or are in serious condition. They can take help of our telephone prayer service.

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உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம்

  உரிமை இல்லாத இடத்திற்கு இழப்பீடு கேட்க முடியாது - சென்னை உயர் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு! - PANDIYAN LODGE COMPENSATION புறம்போக்கு இடத்தில் கட்டப...