Nuns & Mother Superior மூத்திரத்தை பிடிச்சி Holiwater தயாரிச்சி போப் ஆசீர்வாதத்தோட வழங்கி இருக்காகளே....
அலோபதி மருத்துவம் - கிறிஸ்துவ போப் - கன்னியாஸ்திரி பரிசுத்த மூத்திரம் சேர்த்து கருத்தரிக்க மருந்து
Jun 29, 2016
Photo credit and read the source article at: http://qz.com/710516/the-strange-story-of-a-fertility-drug-made-with-the-popes-blessing-and-gallons-of-nun-urine/
If you take yourself back to high school biology class or even sex ed, chances are you’ll vaguely recall hearing about lutenising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).
These two hormones are critical in managing women’s reproductive cycles. Remember seeing graphs like this? Both LH and FSH peak when a woman ovulates, at which point an egg is released and she has the highest chance of conceiving.
So it makes sense that for some women having trouble getting pregnant, injecting hormone supplements at the right time can increase their chances
Italian scientist Piero Donini was one of the first people to figure this out. In the 1940s he tested the urine of hundreds of women for LH and FSH. He realised that the average concentration was highest in women who had gone through menopause. Donini isolated the hormones from some of his test urine and called it “Pergonal” – Italian for “of the gonads” (and taking you back to high school biology again, gonads are ovaries and testes).
You may have even had Pergonal yourself – it has been responsible for millions of babies born via assisted reproduction over the last few decades.
Whilst Donini was sure his Pergonal had a role in helping couples conceive, the challenge was where to source commercial quantities of urine from which to isolate it. Eventually the stars aligned and he met an Austrian doctor who was interested in boosting the birth rate among European Jews. The Jewish population had been hugely depleted during the Holocaust and Bruno Lunenfeld saw a chance to help rebuild the community.
Lunenfeld introduced Donini to a board member from Italian pharmaceutical company Serono, who happened to be the nephew of then Pope Pius XXII. Upon hearing the story from his nephew, the Pope decreed that the Vatican would help by asking retired nuns to donate their urine. It also didn’t hurt that the Vatican owned a 25% stake in Serono!
It would take 10 nuns 10 days to produce enough urine for a single treatment. In 1962 the first baby was born following Pergonal treatment in Tel Aviv, Israel. By the 1980s, demand had soared so high that the company began to synthesise the hormone in laboratories. It was rebranded as Gonal-F around the same time.
So next time your GP decides to measure your homone levels, either for fertility reasons or menopause onset, spare a thought for contribution that hundreds of retired Italian nuns made to modern IVF.
The Strange World of Drug Origins: Nuns’ Urine, Yew Trees and Rooster Combs
Rooster against colorful sunrise --- Image by © Ian Lishman/Juice Images/Corbis
Some people go to infamous extremes to get high — smoking dried toad venom, for example, or in one Northern culture, drinking the urine of reindeer that are tripping on psychedelic mushrooms. And yet, stranger sources than these have contributed to the development of some commonly used modern prescription medications.
I started thinking about it recently while undergoing fertility treatment. I discovered that one of the injectable drugs I was using to stimulate ovulation had been originally derived from the urine of menopausal nuns. Who came up with this, and how? — these are the things one tends to contemplate while lying on an examining table waiting for an ultrasound.
As it happened, the doctor assigned to that duty that day — a visiting fellow at Cornell’s Center for Reproductive Medicine — said he had studied with Dr. Bruno Lunenfeld, the physician who invented the fertility drugs. I recently wrote about the discovery of these medications, menopur and pergonal, for MSN Health:
But more often, new sources of life-saving medications are found by trial and error or by chance. That applies to drug discovery in the chemist’s lab — and in the forest. The bark of the ancient Pacific yew tree, for instance, turned out to be the source of the powerful remedy Taxol, used to treat breast, lung, ovarian and skin cancer.
Discovered in 1962 by researchers working for the government — the National Cancer Institute had simply contracted with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to randomly sample wild American plants for potential cheap medicines — it would take three decades of developmental twists and setbacks before the drug finally reached market in 1992. “It was very satisfying to see something we worked on for so many years come to fruition,” Mansukh Wani, the co-discoverer of Taxol told me.
From old trees to rooster combs, drugs come from places you’d really never think. Also, from my story:
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