Wednesday, March 16, 2022

காதல் வேண்டாம் இந்துவாகவே வாழ் - லவ் ஜிஹாத் முஸ்லிம் கணவனால் கத்தியால் குத்தி உயிருக்கு போராடும் பெண்

பங்களூரு: 26 வயது அபூர்வா புரானிக் லவ் ஜிஹாதில் விழுந்து இப்போது உயிருக்கு போராட்டம்!
எம்.பி.ஏ படித்த அபூர்வா, ஆட்டோ டிரைவர் முகமது இஜாஸின் ஆசை வார்த்தைகளில் விழுந்து, அவனை மணந்து, அரிஃபா பானு என மதம் மாறி வாழ்க்கை நடத்தி வந்த வேளையில், அவனுக்கு ஏற்கனவே நிக்கா ஆகி மூன்று குழந்தைகள் இருப்பது தெரிந்த பின் விவாகரத்து கோர, அபூர்வாவை 23 முறை கத்தியால் குத்தி விட்டு ஓடினான் இஜாஸ்...
ரத்த வெள்ளத்தில் கிடக்கும் அபூர்வா @
உயிருக்கு ஆபத்தான நிலையில் இருந்த அபூர்வா இப்போது அவரது பெற்றோர் உதவியால் நினைவு திரும்பிய நிலையில் பேட்டி அளித்திருக்கிறார், "தயவு செய்து உங்கள் பெற்றோர் பேச்சை கேளுங்கள். இந்து தர்மத்துக்குள்ளேயே திருமணம் செய்யுங்கள். என்னை மாதிரி சீரழிந்து விடாதீர்கள்" என்று!
இஜாஸ் இன்னும் போலீஸிடம் பிடிபட்டதாக தெரியவில்லை.
அபூர்வா விரைவில் நலம் பெற பிரார்த்தனைகள்.

 லவ் ஜிஹாத் -MBA மாணவி அரேபியக் குர்ஆன் வழி ஆட்டோ டிரைவரை மணந்து முகம்மதியராக மதம் மாறிய 23 முறை கத்தியால் குத்தி கொலை முயற்சி

‘Please marry within Hindu Dharma’: Apoorva Puranik, who was stabbed 23 times by Mohammad Ijaz for leaving him, requests Hindu women     In a video posted by journalist Chiru Bhat, Apoorva Puranik was heard requesting fellow Hindu women not to make the same mistakes she committed by involving in a relationship with a Muslim man.

Apoorva Puranik, one of the recent victims of an alleged Love Jihad Karnataka’s Gadag, is currently under treatment at a local hospital in the city after she was attacked by her estranged husband Mohammad Ijaz, who had stabbed her 23 times with a machete as ‘revenge’ for leaving him.

In a video posted by journalist Chiru Bhat, Apoorva Puranik was heard requesting fellow Hindu women not to make the same mistakes she committed by involving in a relationship with a Muslim man. She further wished that no girl should suffer her fate and urged the Hindu women to discuss with their parents before making any major decisions.

“If you witness any small changes in your society, inform your parents. Do not fear that they will make you quit your education. Or else, you will face the same fate as me. Please trust no one other than your parents. Saving life should be your first priority,” said Apoorva Puranik, who miraculously survived a lethal attack on the streets of Gadag last week.

The 26-year-old survivor Apoorva Puranik also urged Hindu women not to fall into the trap of Muslim men and requested them to marry within the Hindu dharma.

“It is safe to marry within Hindu dharma as our sanskar (traditions) is different from others. It is difficult to get adjusted to other traditions. If we want to uphold and protect our cultures and traditions, we should marry within our own community, and we will also be safe,” said Apoorva Puranik.

Ijaz treated me like a dog, raped and threatened me to forcefully marry: Apoorva Puranik

According to Chiru Bhat, in her latest statement, Apoorva has revealed that Ijaz had first sexually assaulted her, video recorded the act and blackmailed her for marriage. He threatened to hurt me and my mother, she has added.

“When I agreed to the marriage, he asked me to convert to Islam. I had to sign on all documents as I had no choice. I must say this is nothing but Love Jihad. Even after marriage, he was not taking care of me. I was brainwashed. I didn’t even listen to my parents,” the journalist quoted the victim.

The 26-year-old victim also said Ijaz he asked her to cook and consume nonveg after their marriage. She added that she was treated like a dog after she delivered a baby.

“Ijaz used to feed nonveg to my baby forcibly. Only after my marriage, I came to know that he was married for 14 years to his first wife,” she said.

Apoorva also said that Ijaz used to send some vulgar messages in Urdu as she left him. She said she ignored those messages because as their divorce matter was in court, but just one day before the court hearing, Ijaz attacked me, she said.

Mohammad Ijaz stabs his wife Apoorva Puranik turned Arfa Bano 23 times

In a gruesome incident of the Love Jihad case, Mohammad Ijaz in Karnataka had brutally stabbed his wife Apoorva Puranik, alias Arfa Bano, for seeking a divorce after finding out that he was already married and a father of three children.

The 30-year-old Mohammad Ijaz had stabbed his second wife, 26-year-old Apoorva Puranik, 23 times with a machete as revenge for leaving him. The incident took place in the Gadag district of Karnataka last Thursday.

The accused – Ijaz, who works as an auto driver, was in a relationship with Apoorva Puranik, an MBA graduate. Ijaz had lied to Apoorva that he was pursuing his education and used to work as an auto driver in his free time. In 2018, the couple got married against the wishes of the girl’s family.

After the marriage, Apoorva was forced to convert to Islam. She changed her name to Arfa Bano and followed Islamic traditions such as wearing a burqa, hijab, etc. Apoorva even started consuming meat and completely abandoned Hindu traditions after Ijaz forced her to convert to Islam. Apoorva’s family also reconciled with her daughter and began to have a cordial relationship with the daughter and Ijaz. The couple also had a son.

A few months later, Apoorva, who comes from a well to do Brahmin family in the city, found out that Ijaz had concealed information about his first marriage. Reportedly, Ijaz had already married a Muslim woman before his wedding with Apoorva and had fathered three children. As she learned about Ijaz’s first marriage, Apoorva left Ijaz and shifted to her parent’s residence in Gadag district along with her two-year-old son. She had also filed for divorce at a local court after Ijaz began to torture her.

Almost four months after she left Ijaz to stay with her parents, on Thursday, the accused chased and stabbed his estranged wife nearly 23 times before she collapsed to the ground. Apoorva had gone to the ground to learn to ride a two-wheeler with one of her neighbours.

She was immediately shifted to a local hospital in the city. In the meantime, Ijaz has managed to escape from the spot. The Gadag police have launched a manhunt to nab Mohammad Ijaz.

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